
The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the first international treaty, negotiated under the umbrella of WHO as a coordinated response to the tobacco pandemic, and was unanimously approved by the 56th World Health Assembly in May 2003. It was signed by Chile on september 25, 2003 at United Nations headquarters in New York and it was ratified on june 13, 2005 becoming a law, on september 11, 2005. Since that date the regulatory framework of tobacco in Chile is given by: • The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC); • Decree Law 828 (27/12/1978), which regulates issues related to the production and commercialization of tobacco; • Law 19.419 (of 09/09/1995), which regulates advertising, promotion, sponsorship and smoke-free environments, among others. Although our country shows a big legislative production, it can be observed that this one has focused on some specific subjects, important matters are still pending established in the CMTC, in which it is necessary to advance: • Demand reduction measures related to tobacco dependence and cessation; • Tobacco Control Coordinating Committee: • Control of Illicit Trade.


  • The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the first international treaty, negotiated under the umbrella of WHO as a coordinated response to the tobacco pandemic, and was unanimously approved by the 56th World Health Assembly in May 2003

  • The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC); Decree Law 828 (27/12/1978), which regulates issues related to the production and commercialization of tobacco;

  • Our country shows a big legislative production, it can be observed that this one has focused on some specific subjects, important matters are still pending established in the CMTC, in which it is necessary to advance:

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The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control of the World Health Organization

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the first international treaty, negotiated under the umbrella of WHO as a coordinated response to the tobacco pandemic, and was unanimously approved by the 56th World Health Assembly in May 2003. El Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco (CMCT) es el primer tratado internacional, negociado bajo el amparo de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), que busca dar una respuesta coordinada y estructurada a la pandemia del tabaco. Consecuencias sanitarias, sociales, ambientales y económicas asociadas al consumo de tabaco y la exposición al humo de tabaco”, fue aprobado en la 56a Asamblea Mundial de la Salud, en mayo de 2003, por unanimidad. El CMCT aborda por primera vez, todos los factores asociados directa e indirectamente al consumo de tabaco y se establece un lineamiento de acción para que los Estados Parte puedan reducir, de manera continua y sustancial, la prevalencia de consumo de tabaco y la exposición de su población al humo de éste. Actualmente cuenta con 180 Estados Parte que han ratificado el tratado, entre éstos, nuestro país

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Un compromiso pendiente
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