
The target of the present paper is to go deep into a possible way to place within the grammar of a language-modern Spanish-aspecial kind of idiomatical utterances: the verbal locutions. Verbal locutions or verbal idioms are idiomatical utterances whose meaning is non-compositional and that undergo some formal properties. If we consider two basic categories as 'free phrase' (verbal phrase) and 'lexical unit' (verb) we will soon observe that there are phrases that work -with respect to severa! aspects- as lexical units. Consequently, we will be able to suspect that there are peripherical units between these two centres, because there are units that undergo properties that characterize both categories. Such units are often called 'idiomatical utterances' or idioms. First, we attempt to define one class of idioms (verbal locutions) and, after, we try to place them into the system of grammar.

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