
An attitude change in the educational process is necessary in order to integrate the learning of the science in the undergraduate education. Because the science implies actions guided to the research of the truth and the production of the scientific knowledge. It contributes to the explanation of the nature, society and it produces the scientific and technical innovations in health, prosperity, and security for the nations. It is considered also a process of discovery, dissemination, application or analysis and the recovery of the information. And for this reason, the active learning with the scientific literature is so important in order to create the students' scientific thought and the development of the capacity to elaborate a scientific paper. This essay approaches the learning of the science and the scientific literature as a proposal to incorporate information and knowledge into professions. It intends to develop, in the students, a pedagogic culture centered in two scientific sources: a scientific article and the review article. Both of these sources are the sources of the communication, then represent the scientific information with quality to develop the experimental thought and to learn the procedures of the science. The identification, retrieval and processing of these bibliographical paper permit the students to learn how to work and understand the logical processes of the information, and the theoretical speech, and the empiric literature which scientists communicate the synthesis and in original results of the process of the production of the scientific knowledge

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