
This document compiles the experience of the Research and Analysis Group (GIA) of the Office of the Auditor General of the Republic (AGR). Said group operated in the 2015-2016 period and was responsible for collecting and analyzing data to identify corruption risks in the execution of the public budget at the territorial level. The Group identified natural persons and legal entities that have multiple contracts in the territories; this is what the AGR and the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic have called “business meshes”. This concept has been proposed in order to measure the concentration of government contracting in a few actors. The GIA group designed processes to identify the risk of state capture at the territorial level by analyzing public procurement at the territorial level. The document describes methods and presents them as a good practice in knowledge management because the products generated contribute to the public debate and can be used to make decisions in the AGR. The analysis of territorial public procurement is a strategic opportunity insofar as it strengthens fiscal control based on the collection and analysis of data from the supervised entities.

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