
Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare hemogram parameters of patients with the threat of ectopic pregnancy and abortion with those of patients with normal intrauterine pregnancy, and to investigate the utility of these parameters in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy and distinction of threatened abortion. Materials and Methods: This study was planned as a retrospective study including patients diagnosed with ectopic pregrancy who were treated medically or surgically (n: 50), patients diagnosed with normal intrauterine pregnancy (n: 50), and patients hospitalized with the diagnosis of threatened abortion (n:50). Preoperative and during hospitalization hemogram blood parameters of all patients were obtained from their files. Sociodemographic data, complete blood count data were recorded and neutrophyl lymphocyte ratio (NLR) platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and lymphocyte monocyte ratio (LMR) were calculated. Results: In threatened abortion and ectopic pregnancies, lymphocyte count was found much higher than that of control group. PDW was significantly lower in ectopic pregnancies compared to control group. Monocyte values were significantly higher in threatened abortion group compared to control group. PLR was significantly lower in threatened abortion group compared to control group. Conclusion: Low PDW values are accused of disrupting pregnancy implantation by changing microenvironment in ectopic pregnancy. Since PDW values were found low in ectopic pregnancy group in our study, it may be useful to use this parameter in early diagnosis.

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