
With electrolyte reference fluid (ERF)00, results from Kodak Ektachem slides for the direct potentiometric assay of sodium in plasma were significantly correlated with results from flame photometry, but also appeared to be systematically higher, especially in hypernatremic patients. Indirect potentiometry with the Technicon RA-1000 yielded intermediate values. In 23 hypernatremic patients with greater than or equal to 6 mmol/L difference in sodium between Ektachem ERF00 and flame photometry, a clinical survey disclosed the frequent association of large between-method differences with renal failure, diabetes mellitus, and gastrointestinal disease. However, there was no correlation between differences in sodium on the one hand and anion gaps or (lipo)protein concentrations on the other, nor did in vitro addition studies implicate metabolites that often accumulate in the above-mentioned disorders. Unlike indirect methods, sodium measurements by direct potentiometry on Ektachem and Corning were influenced by in vitro changes of pH between 7.0 and 7.9. However, in a group of patients that included many acidotic individuals, between-method differences in sodium appeared not significantly correlated with in vivo blood pH. Use of the equitransferant ERF04 on Ektachem strongly diminishes the systematic differences with flame photometry, reduces the pH-dependency of the results to that of the direct Corning method, and brings the mean analytical recovery of sodium to below 95% (instead of 115% previously) without affecting the ability of Ektachem slides to avoid spuriously low results in the presence of increased (monoclonal) protein concentrations.

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