
After the imposition of martial law, approximately 10 thousand activists were interned on the charge of anti-government subversion. Among them, women dissidents who participated in Workers’ Defence Committee (KOR), Young Poland Movement (RMP), Confederation of Independent Poland (KPN) and co-founded the Independent Self-governing Trade Union ‘Solidarity’ (NSZZ „Solidarność”). Their involvement with the opposition resulted in years of repression – arrests, searches and seizures, job loss, constant surveillance. Nevertheless, at no point either before or after their internment, did the female Łódź activists succumb to the intimidation of the authorities. Upon release from confinement, most of them continued their conspiratorial work. After 1989, the internees engaged in either political or social activity or turned to family life and professional career. Undoubtedly, each and every one of them demonstrated courage and determination in their fight against the communist authorities of Polish People’s Republic (PRL). No sacrifice would have sufficed to stop them on the path they had chosen.

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