
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a malignant tumor that grows in the nasopharynx with a predilection in the fossa Rosenmuller. Epithelial malignancies are often found in populations of China and Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. The NPC incidence in year 2008 as many as 84,400 cases and 51,600 of these cases resulted in death. A total of 120 new cases per year NPC found in hospitals Prof. dr. Margono Soekarjo (RSMS), Purwokerto. The NPC is difficult to be diagnose caused its primary tumor lies closed to the skull base as well as various structures of vital organs. Therefore, methods that can detect early NPC required for inspection.The etiology of NPC is multifactorial consisting of genetic factors, factors of infection Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and environmental factors.EBV has two phases in the cycle of infection that is the phase of lytic and latent phase. BRLF1 has an important function as mediator transition from latent e NPC. The research aimed to analysis mRNA BRLF1 expression as a biomarker of NPC diagnosis by RT-PCR and to determine the positivity of RT-PCR method to detect the expression of mRNA BRLF1. The research design was cross sectional study. Samples were FFPE tumor biopsy of NPC WHO III and the total samples were 22 individu from Department of Pathology Anatomy, Prof. Dr. Margono SoekarjoHospital, Purwokerto with informed consent. The positivity of mRNA BRLF1 from FFPE tumor biopsy of NPC WHO III was in 63.6%indicating a high expression.


  • Karsinoma Nasofaring (KNF) adalah tumor ganas yang tumbuh di nasofaring dengan predileksi pada fosa Rosenmuller

  • a malignant tumor that grows in the nasopharynx with a predilection

  • Epithelial malignancies are often found in populations of China

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Kemudian dicuci dengan wash buffer sebanyak

500 μl dan diulang sebanyak 2-3 kali perlakuan. 1 menit. 500 μl dan diulang sebanyak 2-3 kali perlakuan. Larutan yang melalui spin cartridge ditampung di dalam tabung pencuci dibuang, spin cartridge dipasangkan pada 1,5 mL tabung recovery.Sebanyak 50 μl RNA-se free water dipanaskan pada suhu 65°C, kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam spin cartridge dengan tabung recovery, diinkubasi selama 1 menit, disentrifugasi dengan kecepatan 13.000 rpm selama 1 menit , larutan ditampung melalui spin cartridge delam tabung recovery sehingga akan diperoleh larutan RNA kualitas I dengan volume. Prosedur elusi sekali lagi diulang, diperoleh larutan RNA kualitas II.Larutan RNA bisa digunakan untuk analisis RT-PCR dengan diletakkan di atas es. Larutan RNA bisa disimpan pada suhu -80°C (dalam jangka waktu lama)

Sintesis cDNA berdasarkan protokol kit
Hasil dan Pembahasan
Sampel diambil dari biopsi jaringan tumor
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Perkembangan Teknologi
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