
Corn is the cultural identity of the Madurese, they being called as maize eaters and included an agrarian society with a kind of shifting agriculture landscape called “ekologi tegal”. Cornfield was once the most important hierarchy in taneyan lanjheng. The pattern of rural settlement in Madura is a combination of several clusters taneyan lanjheng formed by main moor space hierarchy, then occupancy. Indigenous land use occupancy states should not diminish arable land. But the shift in consumption from maize to rice and Islamic land inheritance system that is uksorilokal and matrilocal changing land use as residential space hierarchy utama.Tujuan this paper is to seek the embodiment and the relationship between the agricultural landscape (dost) with occupancy (taneyan lanjheng) so as to form a pattern of settlement , to do with a shift in consumption and a system of inheritance. Discussion method uses anthropologicalarchitectural approach. So characteristic of farming communities in eastern Madura is a problem: the hierarchy of space, the position of women, kinship, social system, as well as the limits of hierarchy, related to settlement patterns. The physical manifestation of settlements tend to the meaning and philosophy of Islam. Keywords: tegal ecology, settlement patterns, taneyan lanjheng, meaning and philosophy of Islam


  • Corn is the cultural identity of the Madurese

  • they being called as maize eaters

  • The pattern of rural settlement in Madura is a combination of several clusters tanèyan lanjhèng formed by main moor space hierarchy

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Hasil Dan Diskusi

Pola permukiman masyarakat Madura terpencar-pencar dan berjauhan. Jarak antar cluster tanèyan lanjhèng (antar keluarga) masyarakat petani peladang di Madura timur letaknya terpencar-pencar dan berjauhan di pedalaman, di desa-desa, dukuhdukuh dan kelompok-kelompok hunian petani yang disebut tanèyan lanjhèng (De Jonge, 1989; Ma'arif, 2015). Anggota keluarga yang tinggal di cluster tanèyan lanjhèng dihuni oleh keluarga besar (extended family) sampai angkatan kedua. Namun keluarga inti (nuclear family), tetap merupakan kesatuan sosial terpenting, dimana setiap keluarga mengurus rumah tangganya dan menguasai sebidang lahan tertentu (Rochana, 2012; Syamsuddin, 2007). Diantara keluarga-keluarga inti terdapat kerjasama yang erat, seperti saling membantu pekerjaan lahan dan mempunyai ternak serta peralatan pertanian bersama, bahkan juga saling membantu mengurus anak. Konsep uksorilokal berhubungan erat dengan konsep matrilokal, yaitu suami bertempat tinggal di sebelah rumah orangtua istri. Sampel 1 tanèyan lanjhèng di Kota Sumenep (Sumber: Dokumentasi survei lapangan menggunakan drone, 2016)

Orientasi Permukiman
Batas Hirarki Antar Hunian
Batas Hirarki Antara Hunian dengan Lanskap Agraris
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