
<p><em>The temple is a holy place of Hindu religion to worship and connect to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi and all His manifestations. Pura Dalem in Desa Pakraman Julah is a group of Pura Kahyangan Tiga in Desa Pakraman Julah. Pura Dalem Julah has a uniqueness that is from the history of the founding of the temple which is believed to have existed long before Mpu Kuturan conduct pasamuan in Pura Samuan Tiga. Another uniqueness seen from the temple structure that does not use the concept of Tri Mandala and when the piodalan not use all kinds of types of facilities in rolling and piodalan activities should not be until the night. Based on the background of the problem can be formulated problems as follows: (1) How the existence of Pura Dalem in Pakraman Julah Village, Tejakula District, Buleleng District, (2) How Pura Dalem Function in Pakraman Julah Village (3) The Meaning of Pura Dalem in Pakraman Village Julah.</em></p><p><em>In this study using three theories, namely: (1) the theory of existentialism, (2) structural functional theory and (3) the theory of religion. This research is a qualitative field research. Data collection methods were conducted in three ways, namely (1) observation, (2) interview and (3) library study. This research is presented in the form of descriptive or narrative is creative and deep.</em></p><p><em>The results obtained are: Existence Pura Dalem in Pakraman Village Julah can not be separated from a very long history. The existence of Pura Dalem is believed by the Julah community to have a very important role to maintain the harmony of the Julah community. Pura Dalem is divided into three parts: Pura Dalem Kawitan, Pura Dalem Beneh / Bali, and Pura Dalem Jawa. Pura Dalem Julah has several functions namely social function, unifying function of ummah as well as religious function. The meaning contained in Pura Dalem is the meaning of ethics, aesthetics and the meaning of harmony. Pura Dalem has a very important role for the community Julah.</em></p><p><em> </em></p>

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