
Abstract. The purpose of this research to existence the values of Pancasila and also the impact of Pancasila values in local wisdom at Cikalong, Sidamulih, Pangandaran. This research use a qualitative research approach, with descriptive qualitative research type. Data source derived from informant, place, event, and document. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Techniques of collecting data used were interview, observation, and document analysis. Data validation was carried out using data and method triangulations. Data analysis was conducted using an interactive model of analysis. The conclusions of this research is Pancasila value in Cikalong, Sidamulih, Pagandaran. 1) The value of Pancasila among a) divinity value in Gusaran tradition, b) humanity value in reflection in harmonious life by Gegedugan, c) unity value in Ronggeng Gunung and Ketuk Tilu, d) democracy value in Muharraman, Ngabuku Taun, and Sedekah Bumi tradition, e) social justice value in Babarit tradition. Those value got from usage and habitation Cikalong society. That we can seen by the behavior of society and Cikalong policy. 2) the impact of Pancasila value for Cikalong Society is a) devity value in religion life tolerance by Cikalong society, b) humanity value in a respect the habitation Cikalong society, c) unity value in Gegeduggan as a harmonious life in Cikalong, d) democracy values in community self-help in life together as Cikalong society, e) social justice in the Lumbung Paceklik policy for Cikalong aim the society welfare Keywords: Pancasila, Pancasila’s values, local wisdom

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