
This article aims to answer to important questions in legal studies that how to implement the legal execution of earning the expenses caused by divorce based on Indonesian law? And, how do the perspective of Islamic legal schools deal with the execution? There are numbers of scholarly journals studying this specific issue. However, the preliminary study that specifically focuses on the Legal Verdict of the Religious Court of Malang No. 0957/Pdt.G/2014/PA.MLG is offered by this article. It finds that legally, the judge has authority to order the ex-husband to pay the expences of the divorce compensation (mut’ah), financial responsibility due to divorce (iddah) and financial claim (madiyah) and financial childcare (hadhanah) before the divorce pledge is pronounced. If the expences cannot be paid, the ex-wife has right to purpose the legal execution to the court. Due to the purpose the chief of justice is responsible for and has authority to remind the ex-husband (aanmaning) and doing the legal execution if he disrespectly avoided the court’s order. The concept of legal expenses due to divorce is ruled by the fiqh of Islamic legal schools, in spite of the fact that the details of execution remain no any explanation. This article argues that the execution has been done referring to the law. It purposes to fulfil justice, expediency and rule of law. Furthermore, these purposes are the beginning step in order to achieve the public order (mashlahah) and the higher objective of Islamic law (maqashid al-syari’ah).

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