
The purpose of this study was to determine the economy and education of children of marine rumuput farmer families in Nain village, wori sub-district, North Minahasa district. This research uses qualitative research, with techniques such as observation and in-depth interviews, the data collection in this study uses internal validation and external validation. Sugiyono, 2010. From the results of this study, the economic life of seaweed farmers is different from other garden farmers, because working as a seaweed farmer has different difficulties for seaweed farmers, starting from the obstacles they face, namely the weather, to unexpected price drops that affect income. they. As a seaweed farming hunt, there are also obstacles faced, namely the results obtained and even not enough income to meet the economic demands of the family. Children's education is very important to pay attention to, but because of the limited costs of parents who work as seaweed farmers.


  • Masalah utama kemiskinan pada masyarakat nelayan adalah terbatasnya pendapatan yang ada dan kesenjangan sosial di antara masyarakat lainnya

  • From the results of this study, the economic life of seaweed farmers is different from other garden farmers, because working as a seaweed farmer has different difficulties for seaweed farmers, starting from the obstacles they face, namely the weather, to unexpected price drops that affect income. they

  • Children's education is very important to pay attention to, but because of the limited costs of parents who work as seaweed farmers

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Satu Kecamatan Wori Kabupaten Minahasa

Alfred Schutz yang mengemukakan bahwa realitas itu bersifat ganda, yakni ada dunia obyektif yang empiris dan dunia kesadaran subyektif (Muslimin, 2009:38). Fenomenologi mereflekasikan pengalaman langsung manusia, sejauh pengalaman itu secara intensif berhubungan dengan suatu objek (Rizer, 2012). Penelitian yang relevan dengan permasalahan yang peneliti teliti adalah dalam ulasan Veronika E.T. Salem yang berjudul Preservation of Local Language Culture in Toundanouw Village District Southeast Minahasa Regency dimana, ulasannya menjelaskan bagaimana masyarakat (terutama kalangan muda) memiliki tanggungjawab untuk melestarikan dan menjaga budaya mereka dan nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalam budaya tersebut. Seperti halnya kajian ini mengenai ekonomi dan pendidikan anak petani rumput laut yang merupakan perwujudan nilainilai kearifan lokal masyarakat setempat. Ekonomi dan pendidikan juga merupakan produk budaya dan secara langsung akan sangat terpengaruh oleh nilai-nilai yang ada di dalam masyarat (Salem & Mesra, 2020)

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