
UDK 581.5:630*1(497.6)
 The forests of beech and fir (with spruce), as the most wider spread in Bosnia and Herzegovina (occupy 562.237 ha, i.e. more than 35% of the forest surface in Bosnia and Herzegovina – MATIĆ ET AL. 1971), have been the subject of numerous researches among which the phytocenological research has great significance. However, lots of questions have not been solved regarding some groups of forests in terms of their ecological circumstances, floristic structure, mutual relationships as well as syntaxonomic position. The forest of beech and fir on basic eruptives, gabbro and diabas, in ophiolite zone in Bosnia, belong to this group.
 Ecological circumstances, especially edaphic conditions, in which these forests arise, show some specific qualities in relation to other substratum where the forests of beech and fir (with spruce) are found, which affects the floristic structure and substance of these forests as well as their syntaxonomic classification.


  • Šume bukve i jele kao najrasprostranjenije u Bosni i Hercegovini bile su predmet brojnih proučavanja, među kojima značajno mjesto pripada fitocenološkim istraživanjima

  • U dosadašnjim fitocenološkim istraživanjima šume bukve i jele na gabru i dijabazu nisu posebno proučavane, a u fitocenološkoj literaturi su uglavnom svrstavane zajedno sa šumama bukve, odnosno bukve i jele na neutralnim-bazičnim zemljištima, sveze Fagion illyricum Horv., 19382

  • Florističku strukturu ovih šuma karakterizira biodiverzitet koji čine 32 familije, 51 rod i 62 biljne vrste, što također ukazuje na manje povoljne stanišne uslove, prvenstveno edafske, u odnosu na neutrofilnu varijantu šuma bukve i jele na gabru i dijabazu

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Floristic characteristics of beech and fir forests on the basic eruptives

Analiza florističkog sastava pokazala je bitne razlike između šuma bukve i jele na eutričnom smeđem tlu i rankeru, sa zrelim humusom, na gabru i dijabazu i šuma bukve i jele na smeđe podzolastom tlu, eutrično smeđem tlu, sa sirovim tlom, luvisolu i pseudogleju na ovim stijenama. Prve imaju karakter neutrofilnih fitocenoza, a druge su acidofilnog karaktera.

Neutrofilne šume bukve i jele na gabru i dijabazu
Polystichum setiferum
Lamium luteum
Fagetalia eurassuboc Fagion eurassuboc Fagetalia kosm
Kozmopolitski kosm
Acidofilne šume bukve i jele na gabru i dijabazu
Bch kosm Bch cirkpol
Sinsistematske kategorije Sinsystematical categories
Položaj oglednih ploha Locallity of the experimental plots
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