
Definitions related to Educational Knowledge are made through its elements. There are three elements of knowledge: the knowing mind as the knowing subject, the thing that is the subject or object of knowledge, and the product event thing that arises from the relationship between the knowing mind and the thing that is the subject. Dec. Therefore, information can be defined in three different ways. The first Decription is made through the product/thing arising from the relationship between the one who knows the information and the known thing. This type of identification can be called a three-element or conditional understanding of information. The second type of identification deals with information through the knowing state of mind. This definition can be called the understanding of knowledge as a process of intellectual development. The third type of definitions examines information through what is its subject. This definition of knowledge can also be called the understanding of knowledge, which defines knowledge with its object (Cevizci, 2015). The definition of knowledge adopted by the researcher actually reflects how he treats information and how he makes sense of reality. For this reason, it is necessary to study the approaches related to information definitions in detail. It would be appropriate to express the definitions for information more clearly with examples. According to the understanding of knowledge as the process of intellectual development, knowledge is the process of development of consciousness and the study of this process. In this aspect, it is subject to some classifications. Accordingly, the knowledge at the lowest level is called prediction (eikasia), and the one at the highest level is called true, eternal-eternal knowledge (episteme). The subject of epistemology is the study of the transition of consciousness from one state to a higher state. His understanding of knowledge is based on the historical development of knowledge. Based on this, it is possible to state that knowledge does not actually have a stationary structure, but rather has a developmental feature. Therefore, it may be more useful for researchers and practitioners to know which class is included in the knowledge acquired and produced in educational management research. The Problem of Knowledge in the Context of its epistemological foundations. Key Words: Educational Management, Knowledge, Epistemology, Epistemological Foundations

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