
The aim of this study is to examine the basic elements of the dynamics formed by the education culture. Criteria when evaluating organizational members, events, situations and values in the organization. These criteria express values. Organizational principles of good-bad, right-wrong are proportional to values. Organizational distinctions express the values of common thoughts and beliefs about what to do and what not to do. There may be values such as protection, savings, hard work, obeying the rules, and honesty in organizations. The organization creates the norms of behavior rules and criteria that it accepts by developing discrimination. Norms are also expressed as rules that are expected to comply with organizational rules. In case of non-compliance with the rules of the non-organizational organization, the sanctions are again determined by the norms. Norms, which contain more concrete expressions than values, guide people. The norms accepted by the organization's foreign rules are generally accepted by unwritten amateur organization members. General beliefs in organizations have an important room in achieving organizational goals. It is the beliefs at the beginning of the abstract elements that are not easy to direct and change the members of the organization. Beliefs are one of the factors that benefit from organizations. Beliefs provide incomplete integration by being a source of values. Hostility, loyalty, and similar beliefs outside the organization make the organization strong. Symbols can show concrete expressions such as clothes, objects, logos, flags or abstract expressions such as the chairman of the board of directors, the general manager in the life of the organization. The first areas where organizational culture will be seen in an organization are symbols. They are also areas of first impressions about organizations. It is also used to consider status within the group of symbols. The physical planning in the organizations, the layout of the office, the structure of the office show the distribution of power within the furniture organizations. Key Words: Educational Management, Organizational Culture, Basic Elements

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