
Ozet: Bu arastirmanin amaci, egitim yonetimi ve denetimi tezsiz yuksek lisans programinin amacina, ogrencilerin tezsiz yuksek lisans yapma sebeplerine, bu programin ogrencilerin kisisel ve mesleki yasamina etkisine ve programin etkililigine iliskin ogrencilerin ve ogretim uyelerinin goruslerini belirlemektir. Durum calismasi deseninin kullanildigi bu arastirmaya 23 tezsiz yuksek lisans ogrencisi ve 5 ogretim uyesi katilmistir. Yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formu kullanilarak gorusme teknigi ile toplanan veriler icerik analizi yontemiyle analiz edilmistir. Sonucta katilimcilarin tezsiz yuksek lisans programinin amacina iliskin goruslerin programin formal amaciyla uyumlu oldugu, ancak bunun yaninda formal amacindan farkli amaclari oldugu da gorulmustur. Programin etkililigine (amaclarina ulasma duzeyine) iliskin daha cok olumlu gorus bildiren katilimcilar bu programin MEB tarafindan dikkate alindiginda, tesvik edildiginde daha etkili olacagini ifade etmislerdir. Keywords: Tezsiz yuksek lisans programi, Egitim yonetimi ve denetimi, Egitim yoneticilerinin yetistirilmesi Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the opinions of students and lecturers about non-thesismaster's program of educational administration and supervision department.. The sub-purposes of the study are to determine the opinions of students and lecturers about the aim of the non-thesismaster’s program, the reasons of the students to join the program, the effect of the program on students’ daily and work life and the efficiency of the program. There search was designed as a case study and 23 non-thesis master program students and 5 lecturers were participated in the research. Research data was collected with a semi-structured interview form and it was analyzed with content analysis method. It was found that participants’ perceptions about the aim of the program were similar with the formal objectives of the program, however; it was also found that there are some other objectives of the program except from the formal objectives. The students’ reasons to join the program are similar with the perceived aims of the program. Most of the participants stated positive opinions about the effectiveness (the level of reaching the aims) of the program. Besides this, participants stated that if Ministry of Education (MEB) takes the program into consideration and encourages its personnel to join the program the program can be more efficient. Keywords: Non-thesis master’s program, educational management and supervision, training of principals

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