
Today, the words civilized, civilized are also used instead of the word cultured to describe the individual who reflects ideal behavior patterns. With the usage here, culture is used to meet the idealized abstract facts of a certain group in the society instead of the common behavior patterns reflected by the society in general. In daily life, the concept of culture is used to meet many phenomena such as art, behavior, civilization, folklore, speech, dressing and lifestyle. Although culture is considered as the general life style of a society in the first place, the concept of culture is one of the concepts that cannot be agreed upon in its definition. The word culture can correspond to intangible and material elements. It is thought that the word culture emerged as a concept related to agriculture. The word culture has been used in the concrete sense, which symbolizes all kinds of tools produced by people, as well as its abstract meaning such as anxiety and beliefs. Culture is the basis of the behavioral patterns that people acquire during the struggle with nature and as a result of their relations with each other. The solutions that people find in order to get out of difficult situations have become permanent over time and ensure the formation of culture. Due to its cultural content, it can concern many disciplines. This situation leads to the emergence of different definitions. The technical systems produced by the societies to meet their material needs and the relation systems such as customs, traditions and customs constitute the culture. In the times when the word culture was first used, economic and social life was an agriculture-based life, so it should be considered normal that the concepts formed at that time were agricultural-based. Abstract meanings have been attributed to the concept of culture, which is embodied with the meanings of raising, sowing and reaping. The concept is more common nowadays; It is used to meet abstract phenomena such as customs, traditions, customs, art, language, folklore. Society and culture are two intertwined elements. In order to talk about culture, there must be a community of people. While the organized coexistence of people creates the society, the continuity of the society in harmony is thanks to culture. Law, ethics, etiquette, science, technique, art, medicine, architecture, etc., created by human beings from the time they set foot in the world until today. All material and intangible outputs constitute the culture. Keywords: Educational Philosophy, Culture, Organizational Culture

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