
Results of modern research show a relationship between emotional stress and the occurrence of autoimmune diseases as a comorbidity. The authors use EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) to treat trauma disorders. They wondered whether and to what extent this treatment also affects autoimmune processes. Parallel to the trauma-focused psychotherapy with EMDR, the thyroid hormone substitution dose was documented in patients with active Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis requiring substitution. Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis had already been diagnosed by a specialist and drug treatment had been initiated before starting outpatient psychotherapy. So far in five cases a decrease in autoimmune activity and a stability of the results in the follow-up between six months and one year could be observed. It is now necessary to examine whether these results can be confirmed in a larger number of patients and a diversity of therapists and whether these observations can be transferred to other somatic comorbidities.

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