
A cell-mediated immune (CMI) response to Eimeria bovis was shown in cattle by delayed hypersensitivity (DH) and lymphocyte blastogenesis with antigens extracted from oocysts of E. bovis and E. stiedai. A particulate oocyst antigen from E. bovis gave DH reactions comparable in gross and histological morphology to reactions for tuberculin DH in calves infected and sensitized with Mycobacterium bovis sensitinogen. The comparable antigen from E. stiedai appeared to be less suitable in its DH reactivity. Alkali-soluble antigens extracted from the particulate oocyst antigens gave significant lymphocyte blastogenesis responses with blood-derived leukocytes from infected animals. Cross-reactivity was clearly shown between the alkali-soluble antigens of the two coccidian species. Calves not infected with E. bovis did not respond to the antigens by either assay of CMI.

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