
Abstract. Eighteen years ago, the application of innovative Chrysanthemum cultivation technology was implemented in the Hargobinangun Village area, Pakem District, Sleman Regency and was the location for PRIMA TANI activities, which has an altitude of 600 to 1325 meters above sea level. Chrysanthemum cultivation was first applied to farmers in 2005 by BPTP Yogyakarta in collaboration with BALITHI Cipanas. Although it requires more complicated handling, chrysanthemum cultivation in a controlled environment can provide relatively high additional income in rural areas. Based on data on narrow land ownership in North Sleman Regency, it is necessary to look for alternative commodities with high economic value to make it easier to increase the welfare of farmers. The basic method in this research is descriptive analysis, based on solving actual problems that exist in the present. The research was carried out to conduct an assessment and collect data from several studies on cooperator farmers since 2005 until now. From the results of this study it can be seen that commodity diversification has been created; additional income/income that indirectly increases the welfare of farmers; creating attractive job opportunities for young people (millennials) in rural areas; a higher sense of self-confidence for millennial farmers in rural areas so as to create a mindset worthy of living as farmers in rural areas; as well as the initiation of agro-industry in rural areas through various other farming activities as a multiplier effect from chrysanthemum cut flower farming activities.

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