
We investigate the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) in integrable models, focusing on the $\text{spin}\ensuremath{-}\frac{1}{2}$ isotropic Heisenberg $(XXX)$ chain. We provide numerical evidence that the ETH holds for typical eigenstates (weak ETH scenario). Specifically, using a numerical implementation of state-of-the-art Bethe ansatz results, we study the finite-size scaling of the eigenstate-to-eigenstate fluctuations of the reduced density matrix. We find that fluctuations are normally distributed, and their standard deviation decays in the thermodynamic limit as ${L}^{\ensuremath{-}1/2}$, with $L$ the size of the chain. This is in contrast with the exponential decay that is found in generic nonintegrable systems. Based on our results, it is natural to expect that this scenario holds in other integrable spin models and for typical local observables. Finally, we investigate the entanglement properties of the excited states of the $XXX$ chain. We numerically verify that typical midspectrum eigenstates exhibit extensive entanglement entropy (i.e., volume-law scaling).

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