
Image analysis and understanding, stands tall amongst all the technologies and face recognition is an eminent part of it. A face database is maintained as a logbook to identify an input face. This is accomplished by mere comparison amongst the face database. There are several face recognition techniques, of which, symmetry, Elastic Bunch Graph Matching (EBGM), and analytic-to-holistic recognition have been explored in this research paper. Other peculiar approaches like image based face recognition techniques like MLP, convolutional neural network, eigenfaces, associative neural networks, recirculation neural network and independent component analysis have been thoroughly discussed. Two vibrant face recognition databases, UMIST and ORL have proved to be extremely important in analyzing the results of face recognition. Eigen Face value approach has been anticipated with the associated analysis of results of face recognition. Another approach in face recognition is optimized multiperceptron, which will be acting as the reference to the optimized eigenfaces approach in this research paper, hence making this study more efficient through comparison.

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