
Resonant behavior in a finite array that appears as (modulated) impedance or current-amplitude oscillations may limit the array bandwidth substantially. Therefore, simulations should predict such behavior. Recently, a new approach has been developed, called the eigencurrent approach, which can predict resonant behavior in finite arrays. A study of line arrays of either E- or H-plane-oriented strips and rings in free space and in half-spaces confirms our conclusion in earlier research that resonant behavior is caused by the excitation of one of the eigencurrents. The eigenvalue (or characteristic impedance) of this eigencurrent becomes small in comparison to the eigenvalues of the other eigencurrents that can exist on the array geometry. We demonstrate that the excitation of this eigencurrent results in an edge-diffracted wave propagating along the surface of the array, which may turn into a standing wave. In that case, the amplitudes and phases of the element impedances show the same standing-wave pattern as those of the excited eigencurrent. We demonstrate that the phase velocity of this wave is approximately equal to or slightly larger than the free-space velocity of light. Finally, we throw light on the relation between the excitation of eigencurrents with a small eigenvalue and the behavior of super directive arrays.

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