
In recent years, there has been rapid development in high-speed computing, mobile communications, and deployment of wireless communication infrastructure. Advances in wireless technologies have engendered a new paradigm of computing. Users now have the opportunity in accessing information anywhere and at any time. Ubiquitous computing is an emerging field of research for computing models in the 21st century. This emergence is the natural result of research and technological advances mainly in wireless communications, mobile computing, embedded computing, autonomic computing, sensor networks, ad-hoc networks, vehicular networks, cellular networks and agent technologies. Recent developments in technologies such as wireless communication and microelectronics have enabled Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications to be deployed for many applications such as battlefield surveillance and environment monitoring. Recently, there are a lot of research efforts towards the optimization of standard communication paradigms for such networks. I will present a simulation system for WSN. We consider the behaviour of a wireless sensor network for different radio models and analyze the performance of different protocols considering two radio models TwoRayGround and Shadowing. In difference with other works, we generalize the type of radio model by allowing the pathloss randomness to be present in the service environment of the network. We study the perceived Goodput and Depletion (Consumed Energy) for different scenarios. By using these simulation results, we implemented a test-bed for sensor and ad-hoc networks, and carried out many experiments in outdoor and indoor scenarios. In our test-bed, we consider a general methodology to assess the performance of MANETs. We identify the parameters which strongly affect the overall performance. To this aim, and contrary to the common use of computing means and variances only, we use a hypothesis test-based toolkit, because of the large number of factors which interact with our test-bed. I will introduce also our research work for Cellular Networks and Vehicular Networks. I will present some intelligent algorithms for cellular networks and a simulation system for Vehicular Networks. Finally, I will give some future research directions and real applications of next generation wireless networks.

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