
In 1971 Western Australian parliament passed Environmental Protection Act. This established a three member statutory body, Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), to administer act. The authority is staffed by Department of Conservation and Environment (DCE). The members of a u t h o r i t y o n e of whom must be an expert on and another a lawyer--serve part-time. The government appoints a chairman from among members. The objectives of act are the prevention and control of environmental pol lut ion and . . . protection and enhancement of environment. Pollut ion is defined as direct or indirect alteration of to its detriment or degradation, and the environment covers all aspects of natural plus aesthetics, but not other social and cultural factors. The act leaves adminis t ra t ion of many other pol lut ion control and environmental management acts with other government departments, but gives EPA a coordinating role. Policies and procedures for environmental protection are not laid down in most instances, but act provides procedures by which EPA can publish a draft policy and have it approved by ttie government following public review and any consequent revisions. Such policies then have force of law under act, but so far none has been declared, although work is well advanced on ones for wetlands and coastal zone. There are no specific environmenta l impact assessment (EIA) procedures included in act, though it does contain sufficient general powers to enable EPA to introduce such procedures administratively.

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