
This research is about e-Government implementation in public services at Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (PMPTSP), West Java about tangibles aspect in licensing service. The use of north Bandung area recommendation. Innovation in governance is needed to improve service to the people. The use of information technology in governance is one such innovation, known as e-Government. Licensing service in West Java provincial government has implemented e-government. Through Dinas PMPTSP accessible 210 types of online permission services managed Dinas PMPTSP, West Java. Includes licensing of the Recommendation Space Utilization in North Bandung Area. The Ease obtained through the online facility in making licenses Recommendation Space Utilization in KBU was still not utilized by the public maximally. The service theory used in this study was proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry (1990). According to them, there are five dimensions to see the success of services performed, namely: tangibles, reliability, assurance, empathy. And the focus in this research is on the tangible aspect only. The results showed that the West Java Provincial Government through Dinas PMPTSP West Java has implemented e-government in the licensing of the Recommendation Space Utilization in KBU. Through aspects of tangibles, visible completeness of online facilities that have been owned and the functioning of online facilities related to the convenience of the user.

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