Ego is one of the fundamental formations of personality, which secures inner and outer adaptation. Its role must be very strong in adolescence when a person must adjust with various inner and outer demands. Adaptation of adolescents with conduct disorders is largely dysfunctional, that’s why we raise a question about suchlike teenager’s Ego functions and their interconnection with coping strategies (which determines adaptation to external requirements). 38 adolescents with conduct disorders and 35 healthy adolescents participated in this research. Age of participants was from 14 to 16 years. Teenagers for the research were screened by using Youth Self Report Questionnaire (YSR11/18) (Achenbach and Rescorla, 2001). Ego functions (relations with objects, control of affects and impulses, defensive functioning, synthetic – integrative functioning) were evaluated using clinical interview for the assessment of Ego functions (Bellak et al., 1973). Coping strategies were evaluated with COPE questionnaire (Carver et al., 1989). The research data showed that Ego functions of teenagers with conduct disorders are more disturbed than Ego functions of healthy ones (p < 0.01), especially this is noticeable on the control of affects and impulses. Only two Ego functions of adolescents with conduct disorder are statistically correlated: object relations and synthetic-integrative functioning; while all Ego functions of healthy adolescents have statistically significant correlations. However after the comparison of correlative matrixes we found no statistically significant differences between those matrixes (χ2 = 10.1794, df = 6, p = 0.1173). Adolescents with conduct disorders are applying two less adaptive coping strategies regularly: behavioral disengagement (p = 0.001) and alcohol – drug disengagement (p < 0.001). Also they are using one emotion-focused coping strategy denial (p < 0.05). Healthy adolescents are applying two problem-focused coping strategies regularly: active coping (p < 0.05) and restraint coping (p < 0.05). They also are using emotion-focused coping strategy positive reinterpretation and growth (p < 0.05). Ailing teenagers are using less adaptive coping strategies more often (p < 0.05). The research showed, that coping strategies (problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping and less adaptive coping) are related with one of Ego functions-defensive functioning (teenagers with conduct disorders R = 0.619, R² = 0.383, p = 0.001; healthy adolescents R = 0.605, R² = 0.366, p = 0.002). This once more shows us that these psychological processes are closely related to each other and that adaptation needs interaction between conscious and unconscious processes.
Paauglystë yra ypatingas amþiaus tarpsnis, vyksta greiti ir dideli pokyèiai visose paauglio gyvenimo srityse: bræsta kûnas, vystosi kognityvinës funkcijos, didëja socialiniai reikalavimai, pleèiasi tarpasmeniniai santykiai, keièiasi emocinë sritis, formuojasi tapatumo jausmas ir t. t
Visos Ego funkcijos ir efektyvi jø tarpusavio sàveika yra svarbios sëkmingai Ego raidai nuo pat gimimo ir vëlesniam adaptyviam funkcionavimui bei pusiausvyrai atkurti
This once more shows us that these psychological processes are closely related to each other and that adaptation needs interaction between conscious and unconscious processes
Straipsnyje nagrinëjamos elgesio sutrikimø turinèiø paaugliø Ego funkcijos (ryðiai su objektais, impulsø ir afektø kontrolë, gynybinis bei sintetinis integracinis funkcionavimas) ir jø ryðys su áveikos strategijomis. Kad siekiant prisitaikyti svarbu brandûs gynybiniai mechanizmai ir á problemà nukreipta áveika (Erickson et al, 1997), o su psichopatologija susijæs nebrandþiø gynybos mechanizmø (pvz., iðveikos, projekcijos ir kt.) bei maþiau adaptyvios ar á emocijas nukreiptos áveikos naudojimas (Evans and Seaman, 2000; Frydenberg and Lewis, 2004; Noam and Recklitis, 1990; Recklitis and Noam, 1999, 2004; Thuen and Bru, 2004). Ðio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti, kuo pasiþymi sveikø ir elgesio sutrikimø turinèiø paaugliø Ego funkcijos ir áveikos strategijos, taip pat ar yra ryðys ir kokio stiprumo tarp elgesio sutrikimø turinèiø paaugliø ir sveikø paaugliø Ego funkcijø ir naudojamø áveikos strategijø.
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