
Teaching microsurgery is limited by the availability of appropriate training models. In-vivo models, such as rats, remain the gold standard, but ethical and economic limitations restrict their use for initial training. This study investigated the feasibility of using egg membrane as an inert model, an accessible and economical alternative for introduction to microsurgery.The specifications for inert models include ease of access, low cost, high reproducibility and realistic reproduction of relevant characteristics. Fourteen microsurgery students assessed egg membrane as an inert training model on a 10-item questionnaire evaluating the specifications for use in microsurgery teaching.Easy access to the material and the ease with which it could be set up were evaluated positively. Dissection of the membrane added an educational dimension, distinguishing this model from other inert alternatives. On the other hand, the flexibility of the egg membrane and its resistance to the passage of the needle or the tightening of the thread were generally considered to be different from the in-vivo arterial wall.In conclusion, egg membrane as an inert model offers a practical, economical alternative in microsurgery training despite a lack of fidelity in reproducing the most relevant characteristics of the arterial wall. This model is more suited to the initial phase of learning microsurgery: in particular, working under a microscope, eye/hand coordination, tremor management and digital dexterity.

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