
Abstract. Egg cannibalism is a form of infanticide that has been implicated in the evolution of guarding of eggs and immatures in some species of insects. The milkweed leaf beetle, Labidomera clivicollis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), exhibits three types of egg cannibalism in the field: siblicide, cannibalism of eggs by older larvae from earlier hatching egg clutches, and cannibalism of eggs by adult females. Unlike their close relative, L.suterella (Choe, 1989), female L.clivicollis do not guard their eggs or immatures. They move slowly about a patch of milkweeds laying multiple egg clutches. First instar and older larvae cannibalized eggs in two geographically separated study populations (subspecies) in Austin, Texas, and Bridgeport, New York, U.S.A. Although adult females of both populations cannibalized eggs in the laboratory, only the Texas subspecies, L.c.rogersii, exhibited such cannibalism in the field. In the field, correlates of siblicide varied both temporally (within subspecies) and spatially (between subspecies) in terms of whether they were statistically significant, but trends were all in the same direction. Group size was positively correlated with hatching success and siblicide, but negatively correlated with other types of predation. Siblicide was also positively correlated with egg density in a laboratory study of the Texas subspecies, L.c.rogersii. In the laboratory, an average of 15–17% of L.c.clivicollis eggs never developed embryos. Although these were almost always cannibalized, some viable eggs were also eaten and there is no evidence that females increased the proportion of infertile eggs they laid to increase siblicide. Field data and laboratory experiments showed that adult female L. c.rogersii cannibalized eggs while males rarely did. Females preferentially ate the eggs of other females over their own eggs in an experiment that removed spatial cues. Although the selective context of cannibalism is not demonstrated here, I suggest that females may increase siblicide by increasing egg density and may cannibalize eggs to protect their own eggs from being eaten by second and third instar larvae produced by other females.

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