
MEPS Marine Ecology Progress Series Contact the journal Facebook Twitter RSS Mailing List Subscribe to our mailing list via Mailchimp HomeLatest VolumeAbout the JournalEditorsTheme Sections MEPS 293:131-142 (2005) - doi:10.3354/meps293131 Egestion of non-pellet-bound fecal material from the copepod Acartia tonsa: implication for vertical flux and degradation Michael Olesen1,*, Solvita Strake2, Andris Andrushaitis2 1Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, 3000 Helsingør, Denmark2Institute of Aquatic Ecology, University of Latvia, 2169 Riga, Latvia *Email: molesen@bi.ku.dk ABSTRACT: Only a minor fraction of copepod defecation appears to leave the upper water column as fast-sinking fecal pellets in coastal waters. This study suggests that most egested matter from copepods is retained in the water column because (1) >50% of fecal matter is released as small, slowsinking particles that are not surrounded by a peritrophic membrane and (2) small fecal pellets sink slowly and are degraded rapidly. The production, appearance and fate of fecal material from the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa (fed on 2 different phytoplankton species, the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina and the diatom Skeletonema costatum) was followed in association with the grazing activity of the copepod in a laboratory experiment. For both diets, >50% of the defecation was released as dispersed small (<10 mm) non-pellet-bound particles. The diatom was less suitable as a food item than the flagellate and led to a 3 times higher rate of grazing and egestion. Nevertheless, specific assimilation and egg production per female were 2 times higher for the Rhodomonas diet versus the Skeletonema diet. As a result, the total egestion comprised 18% of the ingestion of Rhodomonas and 27% of the Skeletonema ingestion. In terms of vertical loss, sinking rates for both types of fecal pellets were ca. 5 m d–1 and, in terms of degradation, ca. 0.5 d–1 (18°C) in the absence of copepods. Transferring these findings to similar neritic conditions suggests that 60% of the fecal pellets from copepods will be recycled within a 15 m deep mixed layer and that >80% of the total fecal matter can be expected to be retained when the unbound fecal material is also included. KEY WORDS: Zooplankton · Grazing · Chlorophyll · Fecal pellets · Egestion · Assimilation · Degradation · Vertical flux Full text in pdf format PreviousNextExport citation RSS - Facebook - Tweet - linkedIn Cited by Published in MEPS Vol. 293. Online publication date: June 02, 2005 Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599 Copyright © 2005 Inter-Research.

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