
Agents capable of providing protection, mitigation or therapy against radiation injuries have long been of interest of radiation biologists owing to the ever expanding application of radiation in our day to day life despite the well reported ill effects of exposure. The current study investigates radiomitigating potential of EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), a tea polyphenol with known DNMT inhibitory property, in C57 Bl/6 mice model. Treatment with 0.1833mg/kg body weight EGCG, 1.5h post-irradiation to lethally whole body irradiated mice rendered 45% survival for 30days and also helped restoring the body weight of the animals. An early recovery of various hematological parameters was observed in EGCG treated animals compared to radiation alone group. Significant recovery in the number of bone marrow colony forming cells was observed in EGCG treated irradiated animals. EGCG reduced cytogenetic damage to bone marrow cells in radiation exposed mice significantly as studied by micronucleus assay without any significant affect on cell cycle distribution of the bone marrow cells. ELISA assay with bone marrow cell lysates showed EGCG as an inhibitor of HDAC activity and DNase accessibility assay showed EGCG treatment increased the accessibility of chromatin to the enzyme. The results suggest EGCG provides mitigation against radiation injury to the hemopoietic system of mice and also inhibits HDAC enzyme activity. However, further studies are required to understand its mechanism of action.

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