
The practice of the online learning system in Algeria is novel. However, with the spread of Covid 19, Algerian universities have been compelled to undertake remote and digital teaching. The University of Dr. MoulayTahar in Saida has arbitrarily hastened in implementing E-learning as an alternative teaching measure to maintain both positive educational outcomes and keep students safe and healthy. This research purports to examine how the University of Dr. MoulayTahar in Saida has used Moodle platform to facilitate the teaching process during the Covid 19. This paper, therefore, stresses the issues of distance e-learning that challenge both teachers and students alike. The researchers attempt to answer the following question: What are the affective attitudes of EFL students towards distance learning assisted with Moodle Platform during the Coronavirus? To supply an adequate answer to the raised question, the researchers have selected a sample of 157 participants. The researchers collected data through a questionnaire and delivered copies to the participants. The findings revealed that both the teachers and the learners were not well prepared for an online learning experience. That there are more disadvantages than advantages. The results of the research conveyed that the technical skills, the teachers’ lack of experience as well as the social situation of the students have made E. learning a complex process. The analysis also revealed that Master students have negative attitudes towards e-learning, and they would prefer face-to-face interaction in the classroom and handouts more than virtual learning.

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