
To prevent gender violence it was developed the protocol called Police Risk Assessment (VPR) for use by professionals of the State Security Forces. This protocol is the core of VioGen System of the Spanish Interior Ministry and which applies to regulation in all reported gender violence situations. To assess the predictive effectiveness of the VPR, a prospective longitudinal study was performed followed for 3 and 6months of 407 women who reported being victims of violence from their partner or former partner. The results obtained by logistic regression analysis provide an AUC=0.71 for time intervals at risk for three months (P<.003), with an odds ratio of 6.58 (95%CI: 1.899-22.835). VPR sensitivity was 85% and specificity was 53.7%. The results indicate that the VPR shows good predictive ability and suitable psychometric characteristics for the task for which it was designed.

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