
In language development, some children find difficulties in pronouncing certain phonemes or groups of phonemes, in absence of a clear neurological or organic cause. The intervention on these difficulties has implied different techniques, but it has paid little attention to phonoarticulatory exercises. These exercises consist of programmed movements organised in an intentional and coordinated way, and focused in controlling facial muscles and articulatory active organs, such as the tongue, lips and soft palate. As there is little knowledge about the relevance of motor training to prevent and treat articulatory problems in speech sound disorders, our aim was to apply an intervention program in a sample of four-year-olds with these kinds of difficulties. Thus, 25 children with a mean age of 4.6 years were assessed. 15 of them had missing phonemes or groups of phonemes, so they were distributed in a treatment group (8 children) and a control group (7 children). The 8 children in the experimental group underwent an intervention program with two weekly 30-45minutes sessions for a period of 3 months. Once the treatment was finished, the 15 children were again assessed and a following test was done 10 months afterwards. Results show a trend of improvement, in the experimental group, that remains for the following 10 months, and this is especially significant for the subjects with more severe disorders, that is, with more than seven missing phonemes

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