
Indonesia is facing severe environmental problems, one of which is the problem of river water pollution caused by garbage and domestic waste. The Deli River in Medan is an example of river water pollution by organic and inorganic waste, which is a serious problem. Along with the flow of the Deli River from upstream to downstream, there are many points for illegal dumping along the river. To change the community’s mindset to become an environmentally aware society is through environmental education. Environmental education, which is carried out in schools close to the Deli River is a big effort to save the existence of the Deli River. Domestic waste and domestic waste management education are carried out in schools, involving students and teachers. Creating recycling training for students and caring for reforestation in schools by using compost from organic waste in schools is an activity to educate students to become environmentally friendly human beings, using waste as value for the use and saving the environment. Schools that carry out environmental education activities have students who have a good awareness of managing the school environment. This education could form young people who are environmentally friendly.

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