
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, the availability of handwashing products in Samarinda City has become a rare item. The purpose of this activity is to prevent COVID-19 through the use of Hand Sanitizer. This method in this service includes several stages, namely preparation that includes the preparation of tools and materials, the production process with the stages of mixing materials into hand sanitizer products, and the packaging process that is inserting the finished hand sanitizer into small bottles measuring 20 ml, 100 ml and Container 5 L, as well as labelling the brand hand sanitizer, and subsequently the distribution process in RT 27, 28 , 29 and 30 Black Water Village. Civitas Akademika STIKES Samarinda (STIKSAM) and Ikatan Keluarga Alumni (IKA STIKSAM) make hand sanitizer in accordance with WHO regulations, hand sanitizer distribution process in rt 27, RT 28, RT 29 and RT 30 Black Water Village and COVID-19 referral hospital (AW Hospital. Sjahranie and I.A. Moeis Hospital) went smoothly. Mayor of Samarinda H. Syaharie Ja'ang appreciated and reviewed the activities of Hand Sanitizer making at STIKES Samarinda campus.
 Akibat wabah pandemi COVID-19 ketersediaan produk pencuci tangan di Kota Samarinda menjadi barang langka. Tujuan kegiatan ini yaitu melakukan upaya pencegahan COVID-19 melalui penggunaan Hand Sanitizer. Metode pada pengabdian ini meliputi beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan yang meliputi penyiapan alat dan bahan, proses produksi dengan tahapan pencampuran bahan-bahan menjadi produk hand sanitizer, dan proses pengemasan yaitu memasukan hand sanitizer yang sudah jadi ke dalam botol-botol kecil berukuran 20 ml, 100 ml maupun Dirigen 5 L, serta labelling merek hand sanitizer, dan selanjutnya proses pendistribusian di RT 27, 28, 29 dan 30 Kelurahan Air Hitam. Civitas Akademika STIKES Samarinda (STIKSAM) dan Ikatan Keluarga Alumni (IKA STIKSAM) membuat hand sanitizer sesuai ketentuan WHO, proses pendistribusian hand sanitizer di wilayah RT 27, RT 28, RT 29 dan RT 30 Kelurahan Air Hitam dan Rumah sakit rujukan COVID-19 (RSUD AW. Sjahranie dan RSUD I.A. Moeis) berjalan dengan lancar. WaliKota Samarinda H. Syaharie Ja’ang mengapresiasi dan meninjau kegiatan pembuatan Hand Sanitizer di kampus STIKES Samarinda.

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