
Anggard, E. and C.-E. Jonsson, Efflux of prostaglandins in lymph from scalded tissue. Acta physiol. scand. 1971. 81. 440–447. The smooth muscle stimulating lipids present in lymph from scalded dog paws were examined by a variety of chromatographic procedures in combination with bioassay. It was shown that 85 to 98 5% of the smooth muscle stimulating activity of the lymph extract was also present in the acidic lipid fraction. On silicic acid chromatography with linear gradient elution nearly all of the biological activity (rat fundus strip) followed the radioactivity due to added 3H-labelled prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). In reversed phase partition chromatography most of the smooth muscle stimulating activity appeared with the 3H-PGE2. After treatment with alkali and conversion to the methyl ester triniethylsilylether the material was analyzed by gas chromatography with electron capture detection. A peak was observed with a retention time identical to that of the same derivative of authentic prostaglandin B2. When the smooth muscle stimulating activity isolated by silicic acid chromatography from the lymph was incubated with 15-hydroxy-prosta-glandin dehydrogenase from swine lung in the presence of NAD+ complete biological inactiva-tion was observed. It is concluded that most of the smooth muscle stimulating activity present in dog lymph after experimental burn injury is due to prostaglandin E2.

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