
Despite the increasing success of Machine Learning (ML) techniques in real-world applications, their maintenance over time remains challenging. In particular, the prediction accuracy of deployed ML models can suffer due to significant changes between training and serving data over time, known as data drift. Traditional data drift solutions primarily focus on detecting drift, and then retraining the ML models, but do not discern whether the detected drift is harmful to model performance. In this paper, we observe that not all data drifts lead to degradation in prediction accuracy. We then introduce a novel approach for identifying portions of data distributions in serving data where drift can be potentially harmful to model performance, which we term Data Distributions with Low Accuracy (DDLA). Our approach, using decision trees, precisely pinpoints low-accuracy zones within ML models, especially Blackbox models. By focusing on these DDLAs, we effectively assess the impact of data drift on model performance and make informed decisions in the ML pipeline. In contrast to existing data drift techniques, we advocate for model retraining only in cases of harmful drifts that detrimentally affect model performance. Through extensive experimental evaluations on various datasets and models, our findings demonstrate that our approach significantly improves cost-efficiency over baselines, while achieving comparable accuracy.

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