
In this paper, we propose a novel and computationally efficient algorithm for simultaneous exploration and coverage with a vision-guided micro aerial vehicle (MAV) in unknown environments. This algorithm continually plans a path that allows the MAV to fulfil two objectives at the same time while avoiding obstacles: observe as much unexplored space as possible, and observe as much of the surface of the environment as possible given viewing angle and distance constraints. The former and latter objectives are known as the exploration and coverage problems respectively. Our algorithm is particularly useful for automated 3D reconstruction at the street level and in indoor environments where obstacles are omnipresent. By solving the exploration problem, we maximize the size of the reconstructed model. By solving the coverage problem, we maximize the completeness of the model. Our algorithm leverages the state lattice concept such that the planned path adheres to specified motion constraints. Furthermore, our algorithm is computationally efficient and able to run on-board the MAV in real-time. We assume that the MAV is equipped with a forward-looking depth-sensing camera in the form of either a stereo camera or RGB-D camera. We use simulation experiments to validate our algorithm. In addition, we show that our algorithm achieves a significantly higher level of coverage as compared to an exploration-only approach while still allowing the MAV to fully explore the environment.

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