
Laser projection, such as that used in laser light shows, usually uses computer-drawn graphics. However, some restrictions are imposed by laser-scanned displays on these vector-based drawings. This paper presents a general vector-oriented drawing method to display computer vector graphics on different laser-scanned displays with optimization. The method considers how to solve the three fundamental problems inherent in laser projection: achieving constant beam intensity, blanking timing and corner overshooting. A velocity parameter has been used to achieve constant beam velocity for all strokes. Blanking timing which is related to turning on/off the laser beam has been examined and a simple test pattern is presented to estimate the total delay that exists in the laser-scanned display and compensate for it. In addition, an optimized approach to avoid corner overshooting and ringing is proposed: the dwelling time of the laser beam at a corner is set according to the corner angle. Moreover, a comparison between the proposed method and the point-oriented method in terms of speed has been presented. It is demonstrated that the vector-oriented approach outperforms the point-oriented approach. Thus, this paper describes the fundamental problems related to laser graphics that must be well considered when drawing with any laser-scanned display.

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