
In this paper, we present two new three-step iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations with sixth convergence order. The new methods are obtained by composing known methods of third order of convergence with Newton’s method and using an adequate approximation for the derivative, that provides high order of convergence and reduces the required number of functional evaluations per step. The first method is obtained from Potra-Ptak’s method and the second one, from Homeier’s method, both reaching an efficiency index of 1.5651. Our methods are comparable with the method of Parhi and Gupta (Appl Math Comput 203:50–55, 2008). Methods proposed by Kou and Li (Appl Math Comput 189:1816–1821, 2007), Wang et al. (Appl Math Comput 204:14–19, 2008) and Chun (Appl Math Comput 190:1432–1437, 2007) reach the same efficiency index, although they start from a fourth order method while we use third order methods and simpler arithmetics. We prove the convergence results and check them with several numerical tests that allow us to compare the convergence order, the computational cost and the efficiency order of our methods with those of the original methods.

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