
The open-circuit voltage (Voc) of organic solar cells (OSCs) is still far from the Shockley-Queisser limit due to the large non-radiative voltage loss (ΔVocnonrad). Reducing energy loss (Eloss) to obtain higher Voc without sacrificing Jsc and FF is the key to achieve further improvement in power conversion efficiency (PCE) of OSCs. In this work, we designed and synthesized a new asymmetric nonfullerene acceptor via a dual asymmetric strategy, named as SN-O. Under the synergistic effect of alkoxy chain and nitrogen atom substitution, the LUMO and HOMO energy levels of SN-O are significantly elevated compared to Y6, allowing SN-O to display a high open-circuit voltage with a reduced nonradiative energy loss (ΔEnonrad = 0.177 eV). The alkoxy side chain of SN-O brings an intramolecular conformational locking effect and the large dipole moment of asymmetric molecules facilitate the aggregation properties in thin films. The good miscibility allows Y6 and SN-O to form alloy acceptor attributing to the similar chemical structures. The addition of SN-O as the third component into the D18:Y6 system showed a significant reduction in the nonradiative energy loss and a favorable blend film morphology, thus improves exciton dissociation, charge transport and collection. Consequently, a high PCE of 18.3% was achieved for D18:Y6:SN-O ternary system with simultaneously enhancement of Voc, Jsc and FF, which is much higher than that of the binary devices.

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