
The slide attack, presented by Biryukov and Wagner, has already become a classical tool in cryptanalysis of block ciphers. While it was used to mount practical attacks on a few cryptosystems, its practical applicability is limited, as typically, its time complexity is lower bounded by $$2^n$$ (where n is the block size). There are only a few known scenarios in which the slide attack performs better than the $$2^n$$ bound. In this paper, we concentrate on efficient slide attacks, whose time complexity is less than $$2^n$$ . We present a number of new attacks that apply in scenarios in which previously known slide attacks are either inapplicable, or require at least $$2^n$$ operations. In particular, we present the first known slide attack on a Feistel construction with a 3-round self-similarity, and an attack with practical time complexity of $$2^{40}$$ on a 128-bit key variant of the GOST block cipher with unknown S-boxes. The best previously known attack on the same variant, with known S-boxes (by Courtois), has time complexity of $$2^{91}$$ .

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