
Keyword-based search is popularized in Information Retrieval (IR) communities and Internet search engines on the Web. Nowadays, social networking, micro-blogging, and other data-driven websites store large amounts of information in relational databases. But searching in databases users need to know a database schema and a query language. The usability of Database is severely limited unless easier ways to access databases are developed. While traditional database management systems offer powerful query languages, they do not allow keyword-based search. Keyword search techniques on the Web cannot directly be applied to databases because the data on the Internet and database are in different forms. Therefore, we propose a search system for relational data with our proposed methods that can support keyword-based search over relational database. The main contributions of this system compose of the direct indexing of records in database, the schema based queries for relevant answers, and ranking of the relevant answer sets. As long as the database table records can be extended, this system can be easily extendable for further searching records from tables.

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