
We introduce an efficient configuration interaction (CI) method for the calculation of mixed quantum and classical nonadiabatic molecular dynamics for multiple electrons. For any given realization of the classical degrees of freedom (e.g., a solvent), the method uses a novel real-space quadrature to efficiently compute the Coulomb and exchange interactions between electrons. We also introduce an approximation whereby the classical molecular dynamics is propagated for several time steps on electronic potential energy surfaces generated using only a particularly important subset of the CI basis states. By only updating the important-states subset periodically, we achieve significant reductions in the computational cost of solving the multielectron quantum problem. We test the real-space quadrature for the cases of two electrons confined in a cubic box with infinitely repulsive walls and two electrons dissolved in liquid water that occupy a single cavity, so-called hydrated dielectrons. We then demonstrate how to perform mixed quantum and classical nonadiabatic dynamics by combining these computational techniques with the mean-field with surface hopping algorithm of Prezhdo and Rossky [J. Chem. Phys. 107, 825 (1997)]. Finally, we illustrate the practicality of the approach to multielectron nonadiabatic dynamics by examining the nonadiabatic relaxation dynamics of both spin singlet and spin triplet hydrated dielectrons following excitation from the ground to the first excited state.

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