
Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a novel machine learning paradigm that is used to find good solutions for complex optimization problems with very large search spaces (like playing GO). We combine MCTS with Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategies (CMA-ES) to efficiently optimize real-parameter single objective problems by balancing the exploitation of promising areas with the exploration of new regions of the search space. The novel algorithm is called hierarchical CMA-ES and it is influenced by both machine learning and evolutionary computation research areas. Like in evolutionary computation, we use a population of individuals to explore the commonalities of CMA-ES solvers. These CMA-ES solvers are structured using a MCTS tree like structure. Our experiments compare the performance of hierarchical CMA-ES solvers with two other algorithms: the standard CMA-ES optimizer, and an adaptation of MCTS to solve real-parameter problems. The hierarchical CMA-ES optimizer has the best empirical performance on several benchmark problems.

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