
In this paper we first prove the following combinatorial bound, concerning the complexity of the vertical decomposition of the minimization diagram of trivariate functions: Let\(\mathcal{F}\) be a collection ofn totally or partially defined algebraic trivariate functions of constant maximum degree, with the additional property that, for a given pair of functionsf, f′∈\(\mathcal{F}\), the surfacef(x, y, z)=f′(x, y, z) isxy-monotone (actually, we need a somewhat weaker property). We show that the vertical decomposition of the minimization diagram of\(\mathcal{F}\) consists ofO(n 3+e) cells (each of constant description complexity), for any e>0. In the second part of the paper, we present a general technique that yields faster randomized algorithms for solving a number of geometric optimization problems, including (i) computing the width of a point set in 3-space, (ii) computing the minimum-width annulus enclosing a set ofn points in the plane, and (iii) computing the “biggest stick” inside a simple polygon in the plane. Using the above result on vertical decompositions, we show that the expected running time of all three algorithms isO(n 3/2+e), for any e>0. Our algorithm improves and simplifies previous solutions of all three problems.

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