
The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has led to an unprecedented increase in data generation and communication, raising concerns about the security and privacy of transmitted information. This paper presents a novel Message Authentication Protocol (MAP) specifically designed for IoT devices, addressing the dual challenges of ensuring data integrity and preserving user privacy. The proposed protocol employs advanced cryptographic techniques to authenticate messages securely while incorporating privacy-preserving mechanisms to safeguard sensitive user information.The protocol utilizes a hybrid approach, combining symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic primitives to achieve efficient and robust message authentication. Symmetric key algorithms are employed for fast and lightweight authentication, ensuring minimal computational overhead for resource-constrained IoT devices. Additionally, asymmetric key techniques are integrated to facilitate secure key exchange and protect against key compromise.Privacy preservation is a paramount concern in IoT ecosystems, where devices often handle sensitive data. The protocol incorporates anonymization and differential privacy techniques to conceal the identity of users and the specific content of transmitted messages. This ensures that even if an adversary intercepts communication, extracting meaningful information about the users or their data remains a formidable challenge.To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed protocol, we conducted comprehensive simulations and real-world experiments. The results demonstrate that the protocol achieves a balance between security, efficiency, and privacy preservation. It outperforms existing solutions in terms of computational efficiency and provides a robust defence against various common attacks, such as replay attacks and message tampering.In conclusion, the presented Secure and Efficient Message Authentication Protocol for IoT Devices with Privacy Preservation offers a viable solution to the evolving security and privacy challenges in IoT environments. By leveraging cryptographic techniques and privacy-preserving mechanisms, the protocol provides a strong foundation for safeguarding sensitive information while ensuring the integrity of communication in the vast and interconnected landscape of IoT devices.

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