
AbstractThis work describes a class of complex combining three dithienylethene units and a lanthanide ion used as an optical system displaying a double encryption method: i) a colorful code, drawn and erased under UV and visible irradiations respectively, due to coloration and discoloration of the photochromic entities, and ii) a concomitant gradual disappearance and progressive restoration of the associated lanthanide ion luminescence triggered with the same stimuli. The innovation of the system stems from the emission color tunability, i.e., with either a lanthanide ion emitting only in the visible range (Eu3+) or with another lanthanide ion emitting only in the near infrared (NIR) range (Yb3+), therefore observable, or not, to the naked eye. This system is the very first one to achieve efficient repeatable modulation of pure NIR luminescence on photochemical command. Furthermore, it is proven to be highly efficient when embedded in a PDMS polymer opening real opportunities for practical applications as anti‐counterfeiting.

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